Does what it says, it'll reset all input fields to the default setup.This preset will switch your current cforms theme to 'Grey Blocks'. It comes with basic contact form input fields and a custom error message example.A small, two input field form that showcases regexp's (default value exclusion) and input field titles.If you would like to setup a special T-A-F form, then please use this preset as a basis. It comes with the necessary (special) TAF input fields, verifies and sets the TAF option, switches the current theme and sets a generic tell-a-friend message.This will switch your current cforms theme to the dark-rounded.css one and will get you going with a set of basic contact form input fields.The dark-rounded.css cforms theme requires a bit of 'magic' to support multi fieldset form layouts. Check out this preset to see what is required to ensure a proper look.This form preset is based on the default preset, however, coming with field specific custom error texts. Please check your fancy error message settings, to make sure they're actually displayed.If you plan to replace your original Wordpress comment form with a (c)form, please use this form preset as a jump-start. All necessary fields are included and configured, including some custom, field specific error messages.
Note: It will also change your current cforms theme.Features a quite impressive number of fields, useful for online booking forms. Including custom inline styles, 'must-agree' disclaimers with external link to disclaimer text & anti spam field.
Note: Please use this preset with your first form as it does some nifty things with its CSS.A typical sign up form for a class/project etc. Limited to 30 seats (form submissions) and form is hidden after submission. The form further showcases regular expressions for field validation and custom error messages, as well as country and state (US) drop down lists. It also features a must-check Disclaimer.
By accepting and choosing OK, you will replace all your existing input fields with this new preset! If you're unsure about this, make a backup copy of the form first.