=== TinyMCE Advanced === Contributors: Andrew Ozz Donate link: Tags: wysiwyg, formatting, tinymce, write, edit, post Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 2.9 Stable tag: 3.2.7 Enables the advanced features of TinyMCE, the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. == Description == This plugin adds 15 plugins to [TinyMCE](http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/): Advanced HR, Advanced Image, Advanced Link, Context Menu, Emotions (Smilies), Date and Time, IESpell, Layer, Nonbreaking, Print, Search and Replace, Style, Table, Visual Characters and XHTML Extras. **Language Support:** The plugin interface in only in English, but the TinyMCE plugins include several translations: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. More translations are available at the [TinyMCE web site](http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/download_i18n.php). = Some of the features added by this plugin = * Imports all CSS classes from the main theme stylesheet and add them to a drop-down list. * Support for making and editing tables. * In-line css styles. * Advanced link and image dialogs that offer a lot of options. * Search and Replace while editing. * Support for XHTML specific tags and for (div based) layers. == Installation == 1. Download. 2. Unzip. 3. Upload to the plugins directory (wp-content/plugins). 4. Activate the plugin. 5. Set your preferences at "Tools - TinyMCE Advanced". 6. Clear your browser cache. = Upgrading from TinyMCE Advanced 2.x = 1. Deactivate the previous version. 2. Delete the "tinymce-advanced" folder from the WordPress plugins directory. 3. Follow the above steps to install the new version. == Changelog == = 3.2.7 = Compatibility with WordPress 2.9 and TinyMCE 3.2.7, several minor bug fixes. = 3.2.4 = Compatibility with WordPress 2.8 and TinyMCE 3.2.4, minor bug fixes. = 3.2 = Compatibility with WordPress 2.7 and TinyMCE 3.2, minor bug fixes. = 3.1 = Compatibility with WordPress 2.6 and TinyMCE 3.1, keeps empty paragrarhs when disabling the removal of P and BR tags, the buttons for MCImageManager and MCFileManager can be arranged (if installed). = 3.0.1 = Compatibility with WordPress 2.5.1 and TinyMCE 3.0.7, added option to disable the removal of P and BR tags when saving and in the HTML editor (autop), added two more buttons to the HTML editor: autop and undo, fixed the removal of non-default TinyMCE buttons. = 3.0 = Support for WordPress 2.5 and TinyMCE 3.0. = 2.2 = Deactivate/Uninstall option page, font size drop-down menu and other small changes. = 2.1 = Improved language selection, improved compatibility with WordPress 2.3 and TinyMCE, option to override some of the imported css classes and other small improvements and bugfixes. = 2.0 = Includes an admin page for arranging the TinyMCE toolbar buttons, easy installation, a lot of bugfixes, customized "Smilies" plugin that uses the built-in WordPress smilies, etc. The admin page uses jQuery and jQuery UI that lets you "drag and drop" the TinyMCE buttons to arrange your own toolbars and enables/disables the corresponding plugins depending on the used buttons. == Frequently Asked Questions == = No styles are imported in the Styles drop-down menu. = These styles (just the classes) are imported from your current theme style.css file. However some themes use @import to load the actual css file(s). Tiny does not follow these links. To make the classes appear, add their names to tadv-mce.css file located in "tinymce-advanced/css". You do not need to copy the whole classes if you do not want them to appear in the editor, just add the names, like that: .my-class{} .my-other-class{} = I have just installed this plugin, but it does not do anything. = Log out of WordPress, clear your browser cache, quit and restart the browser and try again. If that does not work, there may be a caching proxy or network cache somewhere between you and your host. You may need to wait for a few hours until this cache expires. = When I add "Smilies", they do not show in the editor. = The "Emotions" button in TinyMCE adds the codes for the smilies. The actual images are added by WordPress when viewing the Post/Page. Make sure the checkbox "Convert emoticons to graphics on display" in "Options - Writing" is checked. = The plugin does not add any buttons. = Make sure the "Disable the visual editor when writing" checkbox under "Users - Your Profile" is **not** checked. = I still see the "old" buttons in the editor = Click on "Remove options" on the plugin settings page and then on "reload this page" to reset all buttons. = Other questions? More screenshots? = Please visit the homepage for [TinyMCE Advanced](http://www.laptoptips.ca/projects/tinymce-advanced/). == Screenshots == 1. The TinyMCE Advanced options page